Quality Check

  As soon as an author finishes with his/her book, he needs to be able to measure the "actual worth" of his book before he starts marketing.

  However, complications may occur with the fact that the author is emotionally attached to the book and the characters, since he is the creator of the small fictional world in which the story takes place. That may prevent him from being able to identify the flaws and cons of the book and only see it as a "work of art".
  The difficulty mentioned above causes a common practice for authors to resort to friends and family for an honest opinion, but the majority of them are scared to give negative feedback. because they do not want to let the author down.
  And that's how the problem evolves. In order for you to fix something in the book's content, you need to be able to identify it, but if nobody tells you what needs fixing you cannot do that.

  Project Bloodnoon offers a "quality check" on your product. Your entire book will be read and thoroughly analysed.

 You will probably wonder what makes this feature different from a normal review. The normal reviews are posted on Amazon.com with sole intention to increase the book's rating and give it the so called "social proof".
  The quality check on the other hand is not posted anywhere and is for the author to read. It examines the following criteria:

1 Character worth. (a.k.a. how well you have developed your characters)
2 Book concept ( the idea behind the story)
3 Plot structuring
4 Overall worth
5 Personalized ideas how to market the book ( based on its subject )

  As you can see the Quality Check is applicable prior to marketing, since its idea is to criticize the book and help increase the book's worth, before it is published.

  All genres accepted. The deadline is 15 (fifteen) days, though you should consider that the deadline is highly dependent on book length and may vary. You will be given a more precise deadline as soon as you contact Project Bloodnoon with your query.

 The pricing goes as follows:

 1 $ per page*

The price is subject to a discount as suggested by our Payment Info