
  If you are a part from the publishing world, whether an author or a publisher, you've probably found out by now that book reviews play a critical role when it comes down to ''boosting sales''.

What is a review?

   A review is a written feedback, in which a customer shares his opinion on a product with other customers and helps them decide, whether that particular item will bring any value to their lives. So basically a well written review by a customer can encourage or discourage other customers to purchase a product.

   Also when multiple reviews stack up, they create that ''social proof'' aura around that particular item. An item with 300+ product reviews, will be much more attractive to a customer than an item with 10 reviews or less. Because the more reviews an item has, the more information customers can find out about both the positive side of the product along with its negative side.

   Well written and structured reviews that examine the item being reviewed thoroughly can leave a crucial increase in sales.

As far as the publishing world is concerned...

   Nobody takes books with under a three digit number of reviews seriously. That's why most self-published titles do not receive a lot of attention. Authors desperately seek for reviewers to read their books, but fail to do that in large numbers. Why? Because most online book reviewers have a large quantity of books in their ''to read list'', so most authors end up on the ''waiting list''.

What does Project Bloodnoon offer?

   Project Bloodnoon offers the ability to connect with a large volume of book reviewers that will immediately begin reading your book and be ready with their detailed feedback in 10 days.

The Process 

   First you need to  contact us. That can be done by the Contact Form to the right or you can directly send an e-mail to

   If you prefer Facebook and it's easier for you, you can contact Project Bloodnoon via Facebook as well.

   We also have a Twitter account @iambloodnoon , but with the limited character count I don't encourage you to use Twitter.

   Your message should contain the following information:

1) A brief synopsis of your book. (Optional here: Author and book name)

   What happens after you contact Project Bloodnoon.

1) We distribute your book synopsis amongst our book reviewers. Then we pick those, who are interested in it, as well as those who are free and can immediately start reading your book.
2) Afterwards, usually in a couple of hours, you receive a message back, telling you the EXACT number of reviewers, ready to start reading your book and leave you an honest review as soon as they finish it. Along with that you receive an invoice of how much it will cost. The cost is based on the number of reviewers we manage to find for you.
3) You have the right to confirm or decline the deal made to you by Project Bloodnoon. You also have the right to reduce the number of reviewers your book gets submitted to in order to meet your personal budget's requirements.

The pricing goes as follows

20$ per review*

   All reviews are posted on the biggest book marketplace -, though Project Bloodnoon is an independent company and is not connected to or its affiliates.

The price is subject to a discount as suggested by our Payment Info