Video Reviews

  Written reviews are good, but video reviews are even better. If you want to stand out from the masses you can surely use a video review. Project Bloodnoon has a large list of video reviewers, that are always ready and willing to read and review your book. All video reviews are filmed with high-quality cameras and handled profesionally.

  Authors can also choose the gender/age and personality of the reviewer. For example if you think your target audience are girls between the age of 16-21, the video reviewer can be a female, who falls in that category. Or if you write non-fiction, a male in his 40's may be categorized as a ''better reviewer''.

  Send your inquery with what person you want to video review your book and we will make you an offer since prices vary between different reviewers due to the equipment they use and the place they film the video as wll as the video's length.

The price is subject to a discount as suggested by our Payment Info